Mobile Outboard Motor Service
Service Description
(EX: Oil Change: $200 + parts / Water Pump: $200 + parts = $400 + parts) PLEASE NOTE: Any and all mobile outboard servicing must be scheduled. I will need the exact year, make, model, and serial number of your outboard to collect parts associated with the servicing of your motor. (EX: I need an oil change and water pump on my 2021 Mercury 250HP ProXS.) Mobile Servicing is included but not limited to: * Outboard motor services of all four stroke, and 2 stroke motors. This includes any and all filters, and oils, and gaskets associated with your motor. * Water pump replacement of any and all outboards.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please call at least 48 hours in advance so that Hank has time to reschedule or allow others to book on those days.
Contact Details
126 South Arkansas Street, Huntington, TX, USA